7+ Communication Skills That Will Help your Employees Succeed

In today’s workplace, communication is paramount. If your team can’t collaborate efficiently, you’ll struggle to complete projects on time, and likely won’t meet your company’s objectives.

Communication is one of the most critical productivity factors determining any organization’s success. Whether you work in a cubicle or have your own office with doors, it doesn’t matter.

Communication is not just about talking to people; It’s about getting the correct information to the right people at the right time in an effective way.

Here are some communication skills tips that will help your employees succeed:

1. Establish a relationship with your employees

Employee engagement is a huge factor in the success of any company. It has been shown that companies with engaged employees have higher revenue, lower turnover, and lower absenteeism. Employee engagement starts with the relationship between the employer and the employee.

The employer must be open to employee feedback and allow them to share their opinions. Employees want to know that they are being heard and that their opinions are valued.

Employers should also ensure they communicate clearly with their employees about what is expected of them, what they can expect from their employers, and how they can improve as professionals. This will help create a better working environment for both parties involved, which will ultimately help increase employee engagement.

It would be best if you also took the time to get involved with what they do outside work, like hobbies or sports teams. This will help them feel more valued and appreciated in the workplace.

2. Build trust with your employees

Employees are the backbone of any organization. They are the ones who work tirelessly to make sure that the company is running smoothly. But it is not an easy task to keep employees motivated and loyal.

There are many ways in which companies can create a sense of trust with their employees.

  • You should be honest with your employees and give them a chance to grow. When you do this, employees will feel valued and trusted because they know that you are not trying to keep them in the dark or you are not hiding anything from them about anything.
  • You should also be transparent when giving your employees feedback on time and by being specific about the problem. It would be best if you also told them how they could fix it so that they can improve their work skills.

A US Study revealed what happens in high-trust companies:

  • 74% less stress
  • 50% higher productivity
  • 106% more energy at work
  • 13% fewer sick days
  • 76% more engagement
  • 29% more satisfaction in their lives
  • 40% less burnout

3. Regularly meet with your employees

Regular meetings with your employees will create a culture of transparency, leading to more productivity, better communication, and increased employee retention.

As a leader, you should be willing to open up about your personal life and share the struggles that led you to where you are. This will enable your employees and team members to grow as individuals, which benefits the company as a whole.

While you should be willing to share personal information, you should also be careful not to divulge too many details, as this can make it easier for your business associates to take advantage of you. 

This is especially true in situations where there have been romantic relationships or financial struggles that have led to poor decisions.

4. Learn employee communication styles

Not all employees use the same communication styles. This means that you need to know how your employees like to communicate. 

You can do this by actively listening to how your employees communicate. Be present at the moment and pay attention to how different people communicate with each other. 

Most people communicate in verbal and non-verbal ways, so you must also learn how to read your employees’ body language. To improve communication on your team, you must be aware of how different people communicate.

5. Consistently set expectations & follow up.

You need to make sure you are setting expectations with your employees. Employees need to know what is expected of them, when, and why. 

As a manager or owner, you may set daily expectations for your employees. If so, try to do this in a consistent manner. 

You may also want to implement some communication tools. This could be as simple as a shared Google spreadsheet where you can write down what employees are working on and when they are expected to have it completed.

6. Set the tone for meetings

Meetings are inevitable in the workplace, but they don’t have to be a source of constant frustration. Check your calendar and see which meetings you have scheduled during the week. 

Then, see if you can reduce some of that meeting time and make your meetings more productive. In addition to keeping meeting times short, you must set the right tone for the meeting. 

Make sure people have all the information they need before the meeting starts. This means that you must be prepared and provide enough context around the topics discussed. 

The tone is often dictated by the person who is leading the meeting. If you want your meetings to be shorter and more efficient, you need to set the tone from the get-go.

7. Learn employee strengths & weaknesses

You can’t communicate effectively if you don’t know the strengths and weaknesses of your employees. 

This will help you assign projects appropriately and know who you should communicate with about which subjects. 

It will also help you get to know your employees better and understand them more personally. 

When you know your employees’ strengths and weaknesses, you’ll also be able to deal with issues as they arise. 

Let’s say you assign a project to an employee they aren’t well-suited for. Or maybe they are doing a great job with the project but don’t have enough time to finish it. 

If you know the strengths and weaknesses of your employees, you can address these issues appropriately and effectively.

8. Avoid Making Assumptions

Communication is a two-way street, meaning you must actively listen to what your employees are saying. Take the request seriously if an employee asks for more time to finish a project. 

If that employee has a history of being late and missing deadlines, that request could signify that more time is needed. That doesn’t mean that you should automatically give the employee more time. 

If it would negatively impact the rest of your team, you need to put the breaks on and get more details from the employee. 

Assumptions only cause communication problems, so make sure you listen to what your employees say.

Get Workplace Communication Training

Communication is an essential skill for any workplace. You all need to be able to communicate with each other in order to get your work done. 

However, not everyone can communicate effectively. That’s where workplace communication training comes into play.

Communication training teaches you how to use your voice and body language to make you more effective in communicating what you want or need at the moment. 

It also helps you improve your listening skills so that you can better understand what others are saying and make sure that they understand what you are trying to say as well. 

Communication training will help you become an effective communicator, and it will help your workplace run smoother as well.

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